Fixing stuff around yourself

Nafeesa Tahir
2 min readDec 18, 2020

Fixing stuff around yourself

The area around me is living room and the picture is shown as above.

And the stuff that I need to fix is cleaning my room and putting things on their exact place one is a cushion and another is prayer carpet and one more thing is to put the peel of oranges in dustbin.

After fixing stuff the room is shown in the pic which is looking more comfortable and in ideal state and I am just loving it and the experience was wonderful because of doing something by taking responsibility.

Yes, I did this task before anyone asked me to do that and almost during same timing, I did that work because mostly I am studying in that room and after completing my work almost every day, I like to fix the stuff around me in order to make the room in ideal state. and this activity is the kind of leadership as you do something with responsibility even without authority or the task didn’t assign to you after doing something when someone don’t ask you to do that thing is purely a leadership act.

