Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Nafeesa Tahir
2 min readDec 30, 2020

Completing my task of selecting different research papers based on topic Machine Learning and finding some selective theory according to my part.

From previous three days i was trying to work on my task but could not due to some procrastination and was not getting time to work on this task and today finally i did that only because of the motivation from Amal Academy course that motivate me to finally do this task and the technique that i followed was POMODORO TECHNIQUE.

As Pomodoro technique is to use a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. I set a Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes. And started working on it and then select research papers one by one and worked on my task with full attention and then alarm tinged, I marked a star on a piece of the page and took a break of 5 minutes.

then after five-minute break i started again working on my task and select rest of the research papers and found out the important details that i needed during this interval and marked a star on a piece of paper and this time i took twenty minutes break and use whatsapp during this break time. and then again get back to my work and complete rest of the work that was pending and i really find the Pomodoro technique useful as it helped me alot to work on my one the most important and pending task about that i was worried about and now feeling happier after doing that.

Was this experiment difficult for me or not that difficult?

It was not that difficult I was thinking of completing it for about previous 3 days but was not able to concentrate. Pomodoro technique made it easier for me to complete it within a day and feeling happiest now.

Did it help I accomplish more or about the same?

I think I accomplished more with less distraction.

And the third thing that i can ask myself is that i should plan to do things by using this technique as it helps alot and quite effective and planning to use this in my up coming task in the future and will try to make this technique my one of the habits to work effectively. as usually I complete my tasks on time but sometimes I lose track of time procrastinating and starts panicking at the end. By using Pomodoro Technique, I think I will be able to manage my tasks more effectively.

